The Live Lean Rx Blog
Your source for the science of optimal health and fitness. DEXA Scan body fat testing, metabolic testing, fitness testing, nutrition, medical health optimization and more!

How to Develop The Right Eating Strategy and Embrace a Caloric Deficit
Probably the most asked question of people who have lost weight is, “How did you do it?” or “Did you do some crazy diet? I could never do that.” Anyone – yes – anyone can lose weight. It’s really a simple formula. You have to burn more calories with exercise than you input calories into […]

5 Tips For Sustaining Weight Loss
It’s been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and anyone who has tried to lose weight knows that it is a journey. Some days you are right on course, following the training and nutrition plan that was recommended for you. Other days, not so much. You take a detour […]

Beware of Healthy Fats
“Healthy” fats aren’t really that healthy if consumed in excess. They are still fat and too much fat in your diet isn’t necessarily healthy for anyone. Maintaining a healthy diet can sometimes be a challenge, especially in the fast-paced world we live in. Trying to find time to do healthy meal planning is sometimes the […]

Metabolic Adaptations and Weight Loss
For some people, losing fat is the main goal of their exercise program. They want to get fit and trim. But as you go through a weight-loss journey, you need to consider that as the pounds leave your body, your RMR will also change – affecting just how much you can eat. Your Resting Metabolic […]

Body Composition and Exercise Adaptations
“How often do you work out?” is a common question many healthy people get in daily conversation. Some people have a daily workout plan, while others workout multiple times per week. Whatever your frequency, be sure to include a mixture of both aerobic exercise and strength training in your overall health plan. They both have […]

Increasing Muscle Mass While in a Caloric Deficit
For most people, ‘losing weight’ boils down to getting rid of body fat. And to lose weight, you must increase the number of calories you burn with exercise and activity while reducing the number of calories you consume from food intake. By adopting a caloric deficit, you’ll certainly lose weight but 99% of the time […]

How Does Muscle Influence Your Metabolic Rate?
Just like a car needs gasoline to create energy, our bodies need carbs, proteins, and fats to fuel our “engine” and keep us going throughout the day. And just like different types of cars and trucks get different gas mileage, our bodies utilize the fuel we eat differently – all depending on our body composition […]

Body Composition: Why You Should Care
“I really need to lose a few pounds.” We’ve probably all had this conversation with our self when getting dressed in the morning or even being brave enough to step on the bathroom scales. As a society, Americans are typically overweight, increasing the need for weight management and fitness programs. So when you’ve decided to […]

Fat Loss is Driven by a Sustained Caloric Deficit.
When it comes to eating, there are two types of people: Those who live to eat and those who eat to live. People in the first group – those who live to eat – are always thinking about what they are having for their next meal. Most of the time, they aren’t wondering and worrying […]

What is Food Sensitivity & Food Sensitivity Testing?
Any fan of The Big Bang Theory can tell you that three of the main characters had food issues. Leonard Hofstetter couldn’t eat dairy, Howard Walowitz couldn’t eat peanuts, and Sheldon Cooper was OCD about what day he ate various types of food. One had a food sensitivity and the other had a food allergy, […]

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